Truth can be elusive! Especially if someone’s lips are moving because there is always more to know if they are being less than truthful. If the focus of your investigation is to establish the facts how then is it possible to find out the truth when the information you are receiving might be concealed or if known, not be accurate? Being able to know when, and if someone is being forthright/candid and truthful is a high-level skill set that, when properly developed can increase one’s value to the organization as well as have its uses on a personal level.At some point everyone in the workplace will probably need to look more closely into something that happened. Such situations are not always crystal clear or “black and white” creating what is often referred to as “She said-he said” situations. Knowing how to ask the right questions and how to know when you are being told the truth is a required skill set for anyone charged with investigating what happened. So, if you are often frustrated about who is telling the truth and find you must determine the truth of a situation then this webinar is for you. Like many of us, we sometimes find ourselves faced with having to deal with deception and lies which sometimes are so convincing they are more believable than what appears to be or is the truth. This has always been a problem in both the workplace and in life. But it need not be if one applies the principles this webinar will cover. This unique and comprehensive webinar will discuss why you might have to deal with inaccurate/incorrect or questionable information and how to identify it, deal with it, and even how to make it work to your and the investigation’s advantage.
- Why we deceive.
- Body Language/Demeanour Evidence: Myth or fact?
- The Two Primary Forms of Deception: Falsification & Concealment.
- The Three ways to Detect Deception: Emotional Cues, Cognitive Approach, and the Attempted Control Approach.
- Comparing verbal vs. non-verbal behaviour.
- Use of Visual & Audio Observation.
- Interview Techniques.
- Use of “yes” or No” Questions.
- Use of single v multiple sessions (for both employees and witnesses).
- Documentation.
- Confronting the deceiver.
- Why a half truth is a whole lie.
- Why and when the deceiver plays the role of victim.
- The role of denial for the deceiver.
Attendees will develop an understanding and appreciation for:- The elements of and differences between the two primary forms of deception (Falsification & Concealment).
- Methods/techniques to detect deception (Emotional Cues, the Cognitive Approach, and the Attempted Control Approach).
- The proper weight to give Body Language/Demeanour Evidence: Myth or fact?
- The proper use of visual & audio observation.
- How to employ the benefits of multiple interview techniques.
- The proper application of “Yes” and “No” Questions.
- The use of single v multiple sessions (for the subject of the investigation as well as witnesses).
- How to make documentation work for you.
- All level managers, supervisors, executives, Board and/or commission members. All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel. All levels of Union representation and officers (stewards, Business Representatives, Business Managers, Presidents, and all officers/ board members). All levels of Human Resources and specifically labour Relations. All levels of security personnel/staff.
At some point everyone in the workplace will probably need to look more closely into something that happened. Such situations are not always crystal clear or “black and white” creating what is often referred to as “She said-he said” situations. Knowing how to ask the right questions and how to know when you are being told the truth is a required skill set for anyone charged with investigating what happened. So, if you are often frustrated about who is telling the truth and find you must determine the truth of a situation then this webinar is for you. Like many of us, we sometimes find ourselves faced with having to deal with deception and lies which sometimes are so convincing they are more believable than what appears to be or is the truth. This has always been a problem in both the workplace and in life. But it need not be if one applies the principles this webinar will cover. This unique and comprehensive webinar will discuss why you might have to deal with inaccurate/incorrect or questionable information and how to identify it, deal with it, and even how to make it work to your and the investigation’s advantage.
- Why we deceive.
- Body Language/Demeanour Evidence: Myth or fact?
- The Two Primary Forms of Deception: Falsification & Concealment.
- The Three ways to Detect Deception: Emotional Cues, Cognitive Approach, and the Attempted Control Approach.
- Comparing verbal vs. non-verbal behaviour.
- Use of Visual & Audio Observation.
- Interview Techniques.
- Use of “yes” or No” Questions.
- Use of single v multiple sessions (for both employees and witnesses).
- Documentation.
- Confronting the deceiver.
- Why a half truth is a whole lie.
- Why and when the deceiver plays the role of victim.
- The role of denial for the deceiver.
- The elements of and differences between the two primary forms of deception (Falsification & Concealment).
- Methods/techniques to detect deception (Emotional Cues, the Cognitive Approach, and the Attempted Control Approach).
- The proper weight to give Body Language/Demeanour Evidence: Myth or fact?
- The proper use of visual & audio observation.
- How to employ the benefits of multiple interview techniques.
- The proper application of “Yes” and “No” Questions.
- The use of single v multiple sessions (for the subject of the investigation as well as witnesses).
- How to make documentation work for you.
- All level managers, supervisors, executives, Board and/or commission members. All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel. All levels of Union representation and officers (stewards, Business Representatives, Business Managers, Presidents, and all officers/ board members). All levels of Human Resources and specifically labour Relations. All levels of security personnel/staff.
Speaker Profile

Bob Oberstein's career in Human Resources and Labor Relations spans over 48 years. Bob is uniquely qualified in this area having started out as a third-generation Union member who has represented both sides of the labor management table in both the public and private sectors in both the non-union and union workplace.As an Interest Based facilitator he trained and coached parties on how to constructively process their negotiations to a successful conclusion thereby promoting and enhancing their relationship. Bob has also served the labor management community as a neutral fact finder, mediator and arbitrator for multiple organizations and …
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